Well the new year is here and so far it has been very good to all of us. It has snowed a couple of times this year already, thank goodness because we have needed the moisture and could stand to have a little more. Everyone in the Bates' household has been keeping very busy with the everyday rush...Jared is keeping busy at the farm, with the snow that means extra time spent with the livestock, putting out feed for them and breaking the ice so that they have water too drink. I am keeping busy with work and the everyday chores of being a wife and mother, but I wouldn't change either of them for the world! I'm loving every minute of it. Adler is becoming quite the little busy body, as he thinks that he needs to be doing something all the time. His jumperoo, that he got for Christmas has been a life saver as he loves to be jumping up and down, it keeps him entertained for hours on end at times. He has jumped himself to sleep in it a couple of times. He has become quite the talker, or so he thinks! When Jared and I set down at the table to eat supper we put him in his high chair and he plays with toys. When we are having a conversation, or if Adler thinks we aren't paying enough attention to him he will start talking too...and if we try to talk over his talking, he will raise his volume louder. We find ourselves being unable to hear one another and we will stop and look at Adler and he will giggle, as if that is just what he was trying to do. He is spoiled rotten, just the way we like him. He has found his feet and loves playing with them, he has at times had both feet in his mouth, sucking on his toes but of course I can't get the camera out fast enough to get a picture of it. Im afraid he is starting to teethe, he has been kind of cranky and has had a couple of low fevers. But, thanks to his Aunt Shanna he now has a new toy that he is in love with...it is a hand held teether that looks like a cluster of grapes and when he bites down on it, it vibrates. He giggles when it vibrates. He also loves to have his gums rubbed.Well I think he is trying to let me know it is time to eat....speaking of eating we tried feeding him some cereal with a spoon and to say the least he was not impressed (I will post a picture below). Well I better run...my motherly duties are calling!
First time eating cereal with a spoon...not going so well... |
Not going well at all...he gagged constantly until I got the cereal out of his mouth. |
Jumped himself to sleep... |
Look mom I have two feet... |
Playing hard... |
I love my new teether... |