Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Well the holidays are almost over, and a new year is upon us. This past year has been a wonderful year with a lot changes taking place in the Bates' house hold, and this excites me because I know that 2011 will only have more blessings in store for us!
The past month has flown by as it always does with all of the Holiday "hustle and bustle." We started the Christmas celebration by going to Grandma & Grandpa White's the weekend before Christmas, where we spent the day eating, and playing games all afternoon and ended the day by going into town for the Christmas parade. December 22, we all went to Grandma Laura & Grandpa Joe's house where we enjoyed a delicious supper, and the traditional pictures of hanging our "mouse" on the tree. On Christmas Eve we celebrated with my family at Mom & Dad's house. We spent the day opening gifts and watching Christmas movies while lounging around and watching Adler enjoy all of his Christmas presents. Unfortunately this year we missed out on Christmas at the Semmel's on Christmas day due to me having to work. Then we spent the day after Christmas celebrating with Jared's family. We are blessed to have all of our family close enough that we can celebrate with everyone.
Adler had a wonderful first Christmas to say the least. I'm afraid that we are going to have to add an extra room onto the house to store all of his toys. He wasn't real sure of what to think when getting all of these gifts, but he is enjoying every last one of them!
The past month has meant a lot of new milestones for Adler. He has discovered his tongue. He loves putting his little fingers in his mouth and feeling it, and of course this means that we slobber all over everything! He has also figured out how to spit, and thinks that this is the best thing. His biggest milestone this month is rolling over! He loves rolling over, but once he makes it to his tummy the fun is over. He doesn't like to be on his tummy, so I roll him to his back and we start the process all over again. His latest thing is scratching, he scratches at anything and everything within reach.
Yesterday was Adler's 4 month check-up. He got his second round of shots, and acted like such a big boy. He only cried for a minute, that was it. He has handled them well, no fever or fussiness. Wahoooo! He now weighs 16.09 lbs and is 25 inches long, putting him in the 75th percentile in weight and 65th percentile in length. He is growing like a weed! I haven't figured out a way to slow this down yet, but I'm working on it.
Well I think that is all for now, I hope that everyone has a Blessed and Happy New Year!

Adler's First Picture with Santa...

He is so proud of himself for rolling over...

Adler's gift from Santa...

Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving this year gave me a whole new meaning to the word "thankful." I have always been thankful for everything that god has given me. But this year, Adler has given a new meaning to the word. I am SO very thankful god has blessed our lives with this little guy. I have no idea what we did with our time before he came along, but I hope that we never had to find out because life doesn't get any better then this! Everyday he amazes me with new little "quirks" that he is learning. Words can't explain how it feels to walk into a room and he sees you and smiles from ear to ear. He is getting quite the little personality. He doesn't like to be where he can't see someone, if there is no one in sight he will start fussing, that is until someone walks back into the room and then he will giggle. Despite our every attempt at trying to keep his tiny little thumb out of his mouth, I am afraid he is going to be a thumb sucker. He sure does think it is something special. May the good lord help us when it comes time to try and break him of sucking his thumb. Although I am not giving up yet, I still take his thumb out of his mouth and replace it with his pacifier. He has figured out that he can stand up in our laps and he thinks that is the best thing ever. He is changing so fast!
This year I experienced what "Black Friday" shopping was like first hand. I got up and went to Wal-Mart at midnight for their sales, and everyone else in Northwest Oklahoma had that very same idea. It was a mad house. Then the next morning I set out for Enid, and it only got worse from there. There are too many "crazies" out there for me. Although I did get a new washer and dryer at a great price (thanks to Sadie), I'm not sure I will be doing any Black Friday shopping ever again! Instead I am thinking the "Cyber Monday" experience is so much better, as I set here today and do all of my Christmas shopping with no long lines, or inconsiderate people here to run into me.
Well my first day back to work wasn't too great. I cried all the tears I thought I could have possibly cried before going to work, that is until I got to work where I continued to cry through out the day. But I am happy to say that it is getting easier to go to work. I didn't say easy but easier. :) I am very thankful that I work in a profession that I don't have to work 5 days a week, or else I think I might go crazy. I am very thankful for the 4 days a week that I get to spend with my little man.
Well I guess I better get to moving I have a lot to get done before nap time is over!

Thanksgiving 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

12 weeks...

It's official, Adler is 12 weeks old, as of yesterday.   Grandma Sandra and I took Adler to Enid yesterday to have his 3 month pictures taken.  He was perfect, acting like a "pro".   He was full of all kinds of smiles.  We got to pick up the proofs before leaving town, and they are adorable.  He looks so handsome.  I will post pictures soon.
The 12 week mark also means it is time for me to return to work.  My first day back is this Saturday.  Grandma Sandra is going to come stay at our house for a few days, just in case I might need to run home and get a "quick fix."
This last weekend we took in the Turnip Festival in Cherokee.  It was a beautiful day for it and we had a really good time.  Adler had a turnip race car that competed and did quite well (that is until Aunt Sadie's car beat his)!  Dad, Jared, and Stephen had a blast shooting the turnip guns, and were successful as nobody got hurt. The best part of the whole day was Adler slept all night long when we got home, and has been ever since (I hope I'm not jinxing it)!
Well I think Adler is trying to tell me it is time for supper, I better get to moving because he isn't very patient when it comes to eating!

My little Man

12 weeks old

Adler & Papa with the Turnip for his car

Adler's car

The three of us (Adler is all snuggled up)

Jared shooting his turnip gun

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Final Countdown...

As of tomorrow, I will have 2 weeks left of maternity leave. The thought of this makes me sick to my stomach. I just don't understand why I can't be rich and able to afford to have someone come in and cook and clean for me, so that I could stay home and spend every second with my little man. Although I know that isn't reality, it sounds good, and I know that Adler going to Grandma's for a couple days a week and me getting out and working (making some money) won't hurt either one of us, except maybe me for the first couple days. I have already forewarned Jared that there will be emotions that come with this transition, but that I would try to keep them to a minimum.
The anticipation of Adler's 2 month check-up was not quite as bad as I had thought. Adler took it pretty well, he cried for a little while and then was "ok." That evening wasn't too bad, and the next day wasn't really either he just needed a little TLC. As for me, well I got a little teary eyed when they did it, but held it together. I am thankful that Jared could go with us, he was comforting to both of us. I only embarrassed him once by spilling the Tylenol that I was trying to give to Adler, all over both of them!
Yesterday was Adler's first time to sleep in his crib. I put him in there for his afternoon nap, he never knew anything had changed. He is such a good baby, I couldn't ask for him to be any better, he doesn't mind change at all. He just goes with the flow.
We have a new friend, its called a "wubbanub" it is a horse that is attached to his pacifier so that he has something to hold onto, and at the same time it helps keep the pacifier in his mouth. He loves it!
Halloween is this weekend! Adler is going to be a pumpkin. Mom, Sadie, and I took him the other day and took some pictures of him in his little outfit and we hope to get a few more this weekend. I have to say, he is the cutest little pumpkin I have ever seen (so maybe I am a little partial!). Not sure that we will take him to every one's house, but will definitely be at mom and dad's house to see all the little ghosts and goblins that come trick or treating. I wish you all a Safe & Happy Halloween!

1st time sleeping in his crib - nap time

Monday, October 18, 2010


Anticipation can be such a difficult thing.  Tomorrow Adler has his 2 month check up, doesn't sound too bad right?! Wrong, I'm starting to get nervous for my little man.  He is going to be getting shots tomorrow and I am afraid it's going to be a lot harder on mom then it is on Adler.  I know I am a nurse and I should be used to this kind of thing, but I promise you it is a whole new ballgame when it's your baby being messed with.  Hopefully it will be a lot better then I am anticipating it to be. 
Things are starting to slow down around here, or at least I hope they are.  The wheat is planted!  So Jared has been able to start coming in and spending the evenings with us, which has been wonderful.  As for Adler and I we have been hanging out around the house, and scrapbooking.  Adler made is second debue at the All Day Crop this last Saturday, I'm gonna make a scrapbooker out of him yet!  I'm trying to enjoy every last second that I have left at home with him (less then a month to go!). The time has flown by and Adler has already changed SO much.  I was looking at pictures the other day and he already looks like a completely different baby.  He is starting to coo and smile more and more everyday, and I'm not too sure that he hasn't figured out that when he starts fussing that someone will pick him up! 
In the past week Grandma has watched him twice.  I had a meeting to go to at work, and then Jared and I went to a Customer Appreciation Dinner. Both occasions only took a couple of hours, but they seemed to take a lifetime!  Both times I couldn't get home fast enough to hold and kiss on him and make sure he was OK, and of course he was just fine.  Grandma (and Papa) did an awesome job, just like I knew they would.  Papa had even changed out all of the batteries that had went dead for Adler so everything worked again!  Well I had better get moving, Jared is going to be home and supper isn't going to be ready.

Scrapbooked out!

Scrapbooking with Mom...

Hanging out with Daddy!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fall, football & family...

I can't believe it is October already, the holiday season is upon us and I don't know about everyone else, but I am far from ready! Although I do love this time of year: fall, football, and family.
So I have an official day to return to work.  November 13 will be my first day back, and this day is coming WAY to fast. Although I am very thankful that I am able to take the full 12 weeks.
Jared has been putting in long hours at the farm trying to get the wheat planted. I am trying to be understanding about the long hours, but of course I will be the first to say I am not very good at that. I'm STILL trying to adjust to "farmers hours."  We are all three ready for the wheat to be in the ground, so that dad can be home in the evenings.
While Jared is working, Adler and I have been enjoying the beautiful evenings by taking walks. He loves being outside and looking around, he will lay in the stroller and try and take everything in along the way while kicking his little feet like crazy.
This past week Adler has discovered the TV. We were at mom and dad's this last Thursday, and mom put in a Baby Einstein DVD for him to watch and he was glued to the TV, until falling asleep while watching it. Later that evening he watched part of the OSU football game with me (of course Jared says he is already an OSU fan, I told him I beg to differ!). He is just like a "little man" when watching it, he lays absolutely still, focusing with undivided attention, and when you talk to him it's like you aren't even there.
Well it is about time for our evening walk, so I better get to going before it gets to cool.

Watching TV @ Grandma & Papa's

Night, Night, Sleep tight. He loves to be swaddled.

My happy baby boy.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Fall Y'all...

I hope everyone is enjoying the Fall weather that is among us.  It is a beautiful day out today and the forecast is looking amazing with temperatures in the 70's and 80's for the next week.  Hopefully this weather is hear to stay for a while. Yesterday we got rain, and that means that the planting of the wheat can begin soon (this is a good thing, it makes for a happy husband). 
This past week has been a pretty busy one around our house, and a whole lot better then last week for mom.  The thought of having to go back to work was really bothering me.  So I called the hospital and talked to our Human Resources lady and she made me feel A LOT better!  I can take the full twelve weeks regardless of how much PTO I have.  But if I do take the full twelve weeks, I will use all of my PTO meaning there will be about 2 weeks that I would take without pay and when I do go back to work I won't have any PTO available. Decisions, decisions...still leaning toward staying home for all of it!
Monday September 20 Adler had his 1 month check up, that went very good.  He is definitely growing, weighing in at exactly 11 lbs and is now 21 1/2 inches long, putting him in the 80th percentile for his age.  The Dr. said everything looks good that he is a healthy baby boy!
Last Friday and Saturday, Adler and I spent the both days at the Scrapbook store in Cherokee.  I think Adler kind of enjoyed it (but dont' tell dad)!  He couldn't have been a more perfect baby the whole time we were there.  We have also been scrapbooking here at home, and getting quite a bit accomplished!  In fact that is next on the agenda for today, an afternoon full of scrapbooking!

Waiting on the Dr.

He loves laying out on his play mat after eating first thing in the morning.

Sleepy baby.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

4 weeks old...

Today my baby turns 4 weeks old. I know to many of you that might not seem very old, but to me it seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home. This week it has sunk in to me that I am going to have to go back to work, and I am NOT liking the thought of that at ALL! Thank goodness my mom is going to watch him (and Jared's mom is going to help out to when needed) or else I don't know what I would do. I told Jared last night that if we would have had to do daycare, I might seriously consider living out of a card board box and staying home with him. It makes me want to cry just thinking about it, so on to the next subject...
Since the last blog we were finally able to find a pacifier that Adler likes, thank goodness. Because that means he is going longer in between feedings then he was without one. We also this last week started giving him one bottle a day, before bedtime with a little bit of cereal in it. That has been a lifesaver, or should I say sleep saver. Now that we have started that we have went from getting up every 2-3 hours, to going to bed at about 10 pm and getting up at 2am and giving him his pacifier (sometimes feeding him if the paci isn't enough) and then we get up at about 5am and feed him and go back to sleep. That is a lot easier on Mom and Dad.
Adler, Mom, and I went last Thursday and got to see the pictures we had taken. They were great! I will post a few of my favorites below.
Another first this week was Adler's play mat, that he loves to lay under and stretch while looking around.
Jared is keeping busy at the farm like always, getting ready to plant wheat (that is if it rains anytime soon at the farm), but he is always very willing to come home after a long days work and help out with whatever needs done, wither it be giving Adler his bath or cooking supper...he is wonderful! As for me, I am enjoying every minute of staying home and taking care of Adler and trying to figure out when I am going to squeeze in enough time to get back to scrap booking!
Well my little man is setting beside me in his bouncy seat and starting to fuss, so I guess that means I am done for now. Until next time...


My new best friend, the paci...

Daddy giving me my first bottle

A full belly makes for a happy baby.

4 weeks old today...Sept. 14, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A week of firsts...

OK, so time is already flying by and as crazy as it might sound my baby is already growing up WAY TO FAST!  I can already see so many changes in him.  Jared and I gave Adler his first bath a couple nights ago, and to our surprise he loved it!  He was so calm and relaxed, that is until we got him out of the water and then he was not happy.  But over all it was a very good experience for all that were involved.  Yesterday Jared, Adler and I went to Enid for Adler's first professional pictures, and have some newborn (2 weeks old to be exact) pictures taken.  When we got there they wanted me to feed Adler so that he would be sleepy and we could get some pictures of him while he was sleeping.  Well as you might have guessed, Adler had different plans.  He ate just like planned, but going to sleep was not an option.  We got to Muncy Photography at 10:30 a.m. and he was awake from the moment we walked in the door until we left at 1:45 p.m. During that time I was successfully peed on three times, because they wanted him to be naked for pictures.  OH the things a mother will do to have pictures taken! All in all, we couldn't have asked for him to be a more perfect baby, he wasn't fussy just very awake!  We were however able to get some really good pics of him while he was awake and of all three of us, I can't wait to go back next week and get to see them. Well I had better go get a few things done while he is sleeping.  Here are a few pictures of our first bath...

Enjoying Bath Time...Plus

Getting Upset...Equals

A Clean Baby...