OK, so time is already flying by and as crazy as it might sound my baby is already growing up WAY TO FAST! I can already see so many changes in him. Jared and I gave Adler his first bath a couple nights ago, and to our surprise he loved it! He was so calm and relaxed, that is until we got him out of the water and then he was not happy. But over all it was a very good experience for all that were involved. Yesterday Jared, Adler and I went to Enid for Adler's first professional pictures, and have some newborn (2 weeks old to be exact) pictures taken. When we got there they wanted me to feed Adler so that he would be sleepy and we could get some pictures of him while he was sleeping. Well as you might have guessed, Adler had different plans. He ate just like planned, but going to sleep was not an option. We got to Muncy Photography at 10:30 a.m. and he was awake from the moment we walked in the door until we left at 1:45 p.m. During that time I was successfully peed on three times, because they wanted him to be naked for pictures. OH the things a mother will do to have pictures taken! All in all, we couldn't have asked for him to be a more perfect baby, he wasn't fussy just very awake! We were however able to get some really good pics of him while he was awake and of all three of us, I can't wait to go back next week and get to see them. Well I had better go get a few things done while he is sleeping. Here are a few pictures of our first bath...
Enjoying Bath Time...Plus |
Getting Upset...Equals |
A Clean Baby... |
I think Adler misses his Grandma!