Monday, July 25, 2011

Bumps & Bruises...

That pretty much sums up what the last couple months have been.  Adler is officially walking, although he is anything but graceful about it! He has had several bumps and bruises already.  It is getting easier on this mama, but not so easy for Adler.  He currently has a bruise on his forehead, where he opened a drawer and hit himself in the head with it.  That was followed by falling into the kitchen cabinets and biting through his bottom lip. Needless to say, there has not been  a dull moment around here lately. 
We went to the hospital a couple weeks ago and got to meet Miss Quinn. While there Adler and Reese (Cassie's little girl, that is a few days younger then Adler) finally got to meet each other.  They were absolutely adorable together.  They each wanted what the other one had.  It was a good day getting to see everyone along with getting to meet a beautiful baby girl.
The last couple of weeks I have been ordering things to celebrate Adler's 1st birthday! It has been bittersweet. I can not believe that time has gone by so quickly.  We will be celebrating with a farm animal theme.
Adler and I have made several trips with Jared to check cattle.  Adler absolutely loves the cows, he will stand up in the cab of the pick-up, beating on the windows and squealing, full of excitement when he sees the cows.  He really loves getting out of the pick-up and walking through the cows with daddy. 
When we aren't setting at home in the nice and cool air-conditioned house, we have been taking in the sun at the pool.  Adler absolutely loves the water.  He loves splashing and kicking his feet like crazy.  
Adler is trying to tell me that it is nap time, so I better get going...

Adler & Reese

Checking the cows with daddy.

Adler's 1st Haircut

4th of July

My guys