A few weeks ago we took a family trip to OKC. While we were there we went to the Zoo. Adler absolutely loved getting to see all of the animals, and would become very excited clapping his hands and giggling. He loved being outside and taking in all of the scenery. The next day we went to the State Fair. We spent most of the day walking around in the heat taking in all of the exhibits. Of course his favorites were always the ones that had the animals. That evening we went to Disney on Ice - Toy Story 3. He loved watching the characters skate around, but was easily distracted by all of the "light-up toys" in the crowd. We ended our fun-filled weekend by meeting up with friends Sunday morning for breakfast. It was a fun filled weekend.
Halloween was a huge hit this year! Adler loved going to the pumpkin patch and playing with all of the pumpkins. Although he had a very hard time deciding on which one he wanted to take home with him. Once he made his decision, he carried that pumpkin with him everywhere he went. Carving pumpkins was quite an experience. At first Adler wasn't too impressed with the cold, gooey filling of the pumpkin. But it didn't take long for him to change his mind and was right in the middle of everything, flinging pumpkin goo everywhere. He was very impressed with the end product. He would squat down in front of it and watch the candle burning inside of the carved pumpkin. We went trick-or-treating with our "dragon" 2 evenings in a row. The first evening we went down town and they had a trunk-or-treat. This was awesome, you walk a long a row of cars that have the trunks popped up and trick-or-treat. At the first few cars, Adler wasn't too sure what was going on. He would stick his hand in the candy and look around and wait, as if waiting for someone to tell him "no." By he time we were at the last few cars, he had no hesitations in reaching for the candy. The second evening we went to Cherokee and went trick-or-treating. He was raring to go, as if to say I know what's going on tonight. It was really cute watching his little eyes light up with every piece of candy that was given to him.
Adler has officially had his first big injury. Two nights ago Adler took a tumble into the bathtub. Needless to say, the bathtub won. This resulted in a trip to the ER, only to learn that he had done some pretty good damage to his teeth. The sent us home with some pain medicine and told us to see a dentist the next day. After a long restless night, we got up the next morning and went to Dr. Smith's office where he took one look and sent us to OKC to a pediatric dentist. It was there that we learned that when Adler fell and hit is mouth he had completely shoved his front to upper teeth back up into the gum line. (We no longer have our front two teeth) Then the tooth on both sides right next to the front two teeth has been shoved up and back, but are still visible. So to sum it all up, we will have to play a waiting game over the next couple of years to see if those front to teeth will come back down or not. If they do, the only concern is if there was damage to the permanent teeth above them. If the don't we will have to take him to an oral surgeon and the will surgically remove them. The outside two teeth seem to be "ok", the dentist said the worst case scenario is that there might be some discoloration to the baby teeth, but it shouldn't effect the permanent teeth. So for now we set and wait and follow up with the dentist every 1-2 months. As for Adler and how he is doing, he has a big fat front lip (due to all of the swelling underneath) and is getting pain medicine routinely. Today he is starting to get some bruising around his nose and mouth, but is handling everything fairly well considering all he has been threw
I think that wraps up the last couple of months around the Bates' Household, until next time!