It has been very busy around the Bates' house hold. Jared and I both are staying very busy with work, and when we aren't working we are busy playing with Adler. Jared is busy working baby calves, and patiently waiting to see if we are going to have a wheat crop. We are very thankful for the wonderful rain that we received this week and are hoping for more soon. A couple of weeks ago, we both got to sneak away for a little while. I went to OKC Jodi's personal shower for some much needed girl time. It was so good to get together with all the girls and catch up for a little while. Doesn't seem like we get to do that often enough with all of us going in our own directions. While Jared went with Dad and Stephen to Grand Lake and went Fishing. They all had a wonderful time and caught their limit Saturday and Sunday!
As for Adler, he spoke his first word this month. "Ma-ma" I never knew that those words would melt my heart the way that they do. Although Jared wasn't too impressed that he wasn't saying Da-Da. It was only a few short days and he was saying both. In fact there are very few moments that Adler is not saying something. He is quite the talker! If we only knew everything that he was trying to say.
Adler is now "army crawling" everywhere. He is all over the place. I am slowly baby proofing the house. He loves to be able to get where he wants to be and do it when he wants to do it. He gets up on all fours, in the crawling position and rocks back and forth but hasn't quite figured the whole crawling thing out yet. (Which is quite alright with mama.)
I took him to have Easter pictures taken a couple weeks ago. At first, he was only wanting to wrinkle his nose up for the camera. That is until they brought out the bunny and he was all smiles. He loved the bunny! In fact he loved the bunny so much that he was grabbing its ears and handfuls of hair and not wanting to let go! (Poor bunny.)
Adler loves being outside, it doesn't matter how warm or cold it is, he loves it. I got him a new pair of sunglasses that he absolutely loves to wear. He is so funny when I put them on him he looks around like he is pretty big stuff!
I think Adler is trying to tell me that it is nap time, so I had better run!

Love You Bunches! Quite showing your Mother up on the blogging!!!